Mint Design Studio

Mint is a faculty-supervised, student-run graphic design studio at the University of Florida. Beginning in Spring 2020, I worked as a designer and project manager working on creating a new brand identity for community organization Project YouthBuild.

In Fall 2020, I worked with Elizabeth Gabriel  to create a series of collage and poetry workshops for Project YouthBuild students, staff, and alumni.

Spring 2020 — Fall 2020

︎︎︎ Project Management
︎︎︎ Logo Design/Identity
︎︎︎ Workshops

Three Focuses

Identity: a new and more cohesive brand identity to tie together PYB’s current voice, outreach, and community impact.
Workshop: interactive ways PYB students can connect with UF Designers, Mint, and the Gainesville community
App: facilitating the graduation tracking for the staff and students.

Workshop Team

Design Problem: Navigating how we can foster connection during a pandemic.

We created an identity for the Mint Workshop Team to unify Mint’s materials, presentations, and upcoming events for Project YouthBuild students.

Three workshops:
1. Photography Workshop
2. Campus Collage Workshop and Collage Kit
3. Core Values Poetry Workshop

Workshop Team Promotional Materials

Workshop Team Materials

Let’s keep in touch!
Tell your cat I said hi!

Jenna Agres © 2024